All standard bearings we supply, are either from FAG or SKF. FAG is a brand of Schaeffler Group Germany. SKF is a Swedish company.
Both companies have factories in different locations around the world. The country of origin is stated on the packaging. These can be countries like Portugal, Slovakia, USA, Republic of South Korea, India or China. We regularly have to explain that "made in China" is not a parallel import of Chinese brand bearings.
We purchase our bearings from ABF Bearings. ABF Bearings is a major worldwide ISO certified distributor of bearings, located in the Netherlands. Because ABF Bearings purchases in large bulk quantities, some bearings are repackaged in their own packaging. That is why you will find some of the bearings supplied by us in this type of packaging:In a few cases it can happen that we are delivered in bulk packaging. In that case we will deliver the individual bearings in a ZIP bag, without the original packaging.